Andy Taylor and Sean Devine share their memories of Eamonn Dolan

Duo speak about former boss having taken part in memorial match

‘Someone I have a huge amount of respect for,’ and ‘he was a lovely, lovely man’ were the words used by former Exeter City players Andy Taylor and Sean Devine following the memorial game which took place on Sunday in memory of Eamon Dolan. 

Two teams of former City players including Andy and Sean took part in the 60-minute match on Sunday. City’s director of football Steve Perryman and Eamon Dolan’s former captain Glenn Cronin were the two managers to lead the teams out of the tunnel.

It wasn’t so much about the result on Sunday it was more about raising money for a goof cause and remembering Eamo, a much-loved individual here at Exeter. Andy shared his memories of Eamo and his reasons for taking part in the charity match. 

“Yeah, it was a great experience,” he said. “It was lovely to be back obviously here it’s been a while since I’ve been back so yeah, it was enjoyable to kick a football around. There were a few faces I haven’t seen for quite a few years so it’s nice to catch up and find out what everyone’s been up to.

“Eamo was a great man, very enthusiastic about his football and a great man manager and someone I have a huge amount of respect for.”

“He understood me and my situation at the time when I first came to the club,” added Andy. “I didn’t know whether I would play again at that time so coming to Exeter was a chance to see how I got on and rebuild my career. 

“I needed a lot of confidence at the time and he gave me that, he knew what I needed and he kick-started my career in football again.”

Sean Devine, who scored more than 40 goals in one-and-half seasons at St James Park, said he was shocked to learn of Eamo’s passing in the summer and pleased to take part in the game in his memory.  

“I think it comes to a shock to all of us really his passing,” he said. “Eamo was passionate about his football and a great man manager.

“He knew and understood his players. He just had a passion for the game, he lived and loved his football.”

Speaking about taking part in the match itself, Sean added: “It was great and for a great cause as well.

“It was good to see some old faces and it just shows you how tightened the community is amongst us ex-pros.

“There was plenty of banter and good laughs, obviously talking about Eamonn as well. It was just a privilege to get back and play for a club that I love and be involved in this game for Eamonn. He was a lovely, lovely man.”