🎂 Supporters Club 30th birthday party: You're invited!

This month the Supporters Club is celebrating its 30th anniversary and as part of celebrations supporters are invited to an informal 'birthday Party' after City's match against Northampton Town on Saturday, November 17.

We are pleased to have both Luke Croll and Jake Taylor joining us to cut the cake, as well as Alan Banks and other City legends.

You will have an opportunity to chat to the players, as well as current and past members of the committee and see what the Supporters Club have done over the past 30 years.

We are very proud to have been running Grecian Travel during these 30 years, organising transport to all but a handful of games in that time successfully and are the official away travel for the football club. We continue to abide by the rules and guidelines set out by the football club, EFL and FA for way travel and will continue to do so for future years to come.

Another success for the Supporters Club has been the 50/50 draw. Since 2006/07 season, where it was agreed money raised from selling the 50/50 draw tickets would go towards supporting the youth development side of the club, we are very pleased to announce to date nearly £185,000 has gone to support them.

We would like to thank all those supporters who are members of the supporters club, as well as those who travel with Grecian Travel and support the 50/50 draws – as none of these would be successful without you.

All in all it has been a very successful 30 years, with numerous items bought for the Football Club and cash contributions over the 30 years. None of this would have been achieved without the dedicated commitment of all the past and current committee and the Supporters Club will endeavour to help out Exeter City, our members and the fans of the club for many years to come.

Supporters Club Members – enjoy a free drink on us!
If you are a current Supporters Club member you will be able to enjoy a free drink on us to celebrate. Just show your membership card to a committee member on our table near stage area in the Centre Spot after the game and you will be given a voucher which can be redeemed at the bar for 1 free drink.

The Exeter City Supporters Club is acknowledged as the official Supporters Club but still retains an independent stance. They are Shareholders independently in their own right of ECFC and have had presences at boardroom level on and off from the early 1990s.