👀 Loan Watch: 26th March

It was a successful weekend for some of Exeter City's loanees as they produced hat tricks, man of the match performances and goal contributions for their respective clubs.

The story of the weekend came at the Optima Stadium as Sonny Cox fired home a hat trick for Weston-super-Mare as they beat Hendon 6-0 in the Southern League Premier. Three well taken goals for the young striker helped the Seagulls to their biggest win off the season and took his personal tally to four after scoring his first goal for the club in midweek.  

Eli Collins bagged an assist as a man of the match performance as Wellington beat Cadbury Heath 3-1 in the Western League - although he's still too young to drink the awarded champagne! The young Grecian teed up Sam Towler for Wellington's first goal of the afternoon. 

Elsewhere, Alfie Pond and Nelson Iseguan both played 90 minutes as Tiverton beat title chasing Hayes & Yeading 3-2 away from home, despite former City man Gary Warren being shown a red card.

Charlie Hanson played 76 minutes of Bideford's 4-2 defeat to Totton. The North Devon side had the chance to level at 3-3 from 3-0 down, but missed a crucial penalty before conceding a killer fourth goal.

Ellis Johnson and Jack Veale were both on the winning side as Willand Rovers won 1-0 away at Cirencester, while Toby Nevile featured in Hartley Wintney's 2-1 win over Walton Casuals.

Jordan Dyer's Bath City were beaten 2-0 away at Eastbourne Borough, while George Ray was a late sub as Leyton Orient beat Barrow 2-0.