Supporters' Trust Forum tonight at St James Park

Forum starts at 7pm in the new Heritage Lounge at SJP

Tonight's Supporters' Trust fans forum takes place in the new Heritage Lounge from 7pm, all are welcome

In the light of the decision of the EFL to scrap their 'Whole Game Solution' proposals, the focus of the fans' forum has been slightly changed. The first part of the forum will now be a discussion led by club board chairman Julian Tagg on the challenges facing the EFL and Exeter City, including the Checkatrade Trophy, what might emerge in place of the Whole Game Solution, and trends in finances in the lower divisions of the game.

After a break, when tickets for the Exeter City Disabled Supporters' Association Christmas draw will be available, the second half will focus on the issues facing the Trust led by our new chairman Martin Weiler, who will outline the challenges being addressed by the Trust board. The rest of the meeting will be an open forum when fans will have the opportunity to raise issues of concern.